[MOD][Port] MIEZU™ FlymeOS 6 Experience Package On All Devices [LP/MM/N]
I am not responsible for anything that may happen to your phone as a result of installing custom roms and/or kernels. you do so at your own risk and take the responsibility upon yourself
Afte the huge success of HTC Sense UI Experience Package ( Link ) with over 3K downloads in 2 months..I am glad to present Flyme OS Experience Package. Its the dream of all Users to use MIEZU Flyme OS on there devices . It is the wish of all Users to use Flyme OS on there device also but it isnt ported for most of the devices , so here I present a package which will install latest FlymeOS 6 apps and launcher and give you a MIEZU Device experience. Lets get straight into it 
You tell me.
This is not a ROM. This is a package containing all Miezu apps which will give you FlymeOS Expeince. You will have to flash this on your existing ROM.
Features included
- FlymeOS 6 Launcher
- FlymeOS 6 Calendar
- FlymeOS 6 Calculator
- FlymeOS 6 Weather
- FlymeOS 6 File Explorer
- FlymeOS 6 Notes App
- FlymeOS 6 Desk Clock
- FlymeOS Music Player
- FlymeOS Camera
- Dolby Audio
- DTC Audio Drivers
- SRS Audio Libs
- Viper4Android Audio Mod
Flashing process
Go to TWRP
No need to wipe anything.
Flash the zip directly on any ROM.
Wipe Cache and dalvic cache.
MIEZU Corporation For All Apps.
viper520 & zhuhang -ViPER4Android
worstenbrood -Dolby Atmos
Androidexpertz35 For MIEZU Camera (Thanks A Lot)
Karkasss For MIEZU Music Player
Androidexpertz35 For MIEZU Camera (Thanks A Lot)
Karkasss For MIEZU Music Player
Harshit for testing.
At last me for making this mod. [PawanRockz]
Version Information
Status: Stable
Version : Release 1
Created : 10-06-2017
Thank you :)