
Showing posts from May, 2017

[PORT][5.1.1] Sony Xperia™ Z5 ROM For Yuphoria [VoLTE]

About After days of work, bug and fc fixes, the project is finally here.  This is the Sony Xperia™ Z5 ROM which is based on Lollipop 5.1 , Xperia is well known and famous for customizing their User Interface, Being on default User Interface of CyanogenMod is boring, So use this port and Enjoy the new refreshed looks on your Device. Disclaimer  : This ROM has been tested and verified to be stable for daily use but there may be some unknown bugs which I might have failed to notice from naked eyes. Also, I will not be responsible if something doesn't goes as planned. Thanks Note DONT SPREAD HATRED BY COMPARING IT WITH XOSP. Gapps are NOT included. ROM is not pre rooted  This ROM is 32 Bit. Rom take about 5 minutes to boot first time. Features Xperia SystemUi •        Xperia Z5 Home •        Xperia Z5 Dialler •        Xperia Z5 Contacts •        Xperia Z5 Incallui •      ...

[PORT] BlackBerry OS v12.1 For Yuphoria [19.05.17]

About BlackBerry OS is a proprietary mobile operating system developed by BlackBerry Limited for its BlackBerry line of smartphone handheld devices. The operating system provides multitasking and supports specialized input devices that have been adopted by BlackBerry for use in its handhelds, particularly the trackwheel, trackball, and most recently, the trackpad and touchscreen. Disclaimer   :  This ROM has been tested and verified to be stable for daily use but there may be some unknown bugs which I might have failed to notice from naked eyes. Also, I will not be responsible if something doesn't goes as planned. Thanks Note Gapps are NOT  included. This ROM is 64 Bit. Rom take about 5 minutes to boot first time. Features All features present in BlackBerry Devices. From boot animation to wallpapers, system tunes to advanced interactions, system apps to BlackBerry security...All of them. Download Link :  ---Download Here--- Custom Ke...

[UPDATED][PORT] LENOVO VIBE UI™ v3.0 [VoLTE] For Yuphoria (64 BIT) R2 Final

About search on google. Disclaimer  : This ROM has been tested and verified to be stable for daily use but there may be some unknown bugs which I might have failed to notice from naked eyes. Also, I will not be responsible if something doesn't goes as planned. Thanks Note Gapps are NOT  included. This ROM is 64 Bit. ROM is Pre rooted. Rom take about 3 minutes to boot first time. Features All features present in Lenovo Devices. Pre-Rooted MAXX Audio 64 Bit Notification drawer Status bar options FC notifications Lock screen wallpaper changer Gesture anywhere Themes Weather app Notepad Speech to text Display & Animations Tweaks Scrolling effects Toast animation Toast icon Heads up notification Bugs Wifi  Download Links Updated on 23rd June 2017 VIBE UI™ 3.0 For Yuphoria :  Download Here~~~ Wifi Fixed, Audio Fixed and other minor bug fixes in this release.  Speacial Thanks to @#Rohan and @Divyansh747 bro....