[Port][Update] MIUI 8 v7.3.2 Global Beta [VoLTE] For Yuphoria
I am not responsible for anything that may happen to your phone as a result of installing custom roms and/or kernels. you do so at your own risk and take the responsibility upon yourself.
MIUI which stands for Mi User Interface and pronounced "Me You I", a play on the common abbreviation of the words user interface as UI, developed by Xiaomi Tech, is a stock and aftermarket firmware for smartphones and tablet computers based on the Google Android operating system. MIUI includes various features such as theming support.
There are all new features in this Rom upto date v7.3.2 which are there in any other Xiaomi device .
Note(IMP):--After installing rom wait some time to becoming Rom stable
-No need of installing gapps already included
-Rom will be updated every week.
-This ROM is ported from Redmi 2 prime.
-Rom take some time on 1st boot
No Bugs
Screenshots in second post .
Update (04-03-2017)
Miui Global Beta v7.2.16 : ~~Download Here
Miui Global Beta v7.2.24 : ~~Download Here
Miui Global Beta v7.3.2 OTA [NEW] : ~~Download Here
Go to TWRP
Wipe cache / dalvik cache / data / system......
Then... flash rom.
Wipe Cache and dalvic cache.
ROM Information
ROM Developer:- Pawan
ROM OS Version:-5.1.1 Lollipop
ROM Kernel:-Linux 3.10.x
ROM Firmware Required:-5.1.1 Lollipop (32 Bit)
Based On:- MIUI V8 v7.3.2 (32 Bit)
Kernel source: Link
Version Information
Status: Stable
Cyanogen for... ROM Base Rom
XIAOMI TEAM......for MIUI rom Port Rom
ME (PawanRockz).......for Porting
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