
Showing posts from March, 2017

[OTA][MIUI 8] MultiROM Optimized Custom Miui For Yuphoria v7.4.13 [VoLTE]

••• What is MultiRom?••• MultiRom is a unique Russian project of which the main focus is quality and stability. MultiRom Team "Quote" "Our team is a team of IT professionals. We use modern version control systems, assembly, testing, quality control assembly" ••• Main goal of this project ••• MultiRom team uses their new translation system and patching firmware "B.A.R.S."/Methic. But Xiaomi.EU team uses simple ways apktool and smali/baksmali. MultiRom way takes more time to compile but the quality of their work is on a high level. All APK's during the translation are subject to optimization.  The greater the amount of free RAM - as a result of the optimization. -And one example of their great work & high quality is how much free ram is available compared to other MIUI ROM's. -They use about  40 patches  to make the firmware great. In addition to well-known patches and patch T9 paid to those present: -Patch Ant...

[MOD][Port] HTC Sense Ui Experience On All Devices [KK/LP/MM/N]

Disclaimer I am not responsible for anything that may happen to your phone as a result of installing custom roms and/or kernels. you do so at your own risk and take the responsibility upon yourself Intro It is the dream of all Yu Users to use Sense Ui on there devices. But it isnt possible , so here I present a package which will install latest HTC apps and launcher and give you a HTC Sense UI experience. Lets get straight into it  Bugs Yu tell me. Download Link [Release 1] Download here :  Android File Host Note This is not a ROM. This is a package containing all HTC apps. You will have to flash this on your existing ROM. Some Screenshots Features included HTC Sense Home Launcher Location Picker Sense Theme Weather Wold Clock HTC Service Pack HTC Scribble HTC Camera HTC Gallery HTC Keyboard with Basic Language pack HTC Music HTC...

[Port][Update] MIUI 8 v7.3.2 Global Beta [VoLTE] For Yuphoria

Disclaimer I am not responsible for anything that may happen to your phone as a result of installing custom roms and/or kernels. you do so at your own risk and take the responsibility upon yourself. About MIUI which stands for Mi User Interface and pronounced "Me You I", a play on the common abbreviation of the words user interface as UI, developed by Xiaomi Tech, is a stock and aftermarket firmware for smartphones and tablet computers based on the Google Android operating system. MIUI includes various features such as theming support. There are all new features in this Rom upto date v7.3.2 which are there in any other Xiaomi device . Note(IMP):- -After installing rom wait some time to becoming Rom stable -No need of installing gapps already included -Rom will be updated every week. -This ROM is ported from Redmi 2 prime. -Rom take some time on 1st boot B ugs No Bugs  Screenshots in second post . Update (04-03-2017) Download Miui Global Beta v7.2.16 :  ~~Downloa...

[Port] Miui Latest v8.2.1.0 For Yuphoria [VoLTE]

Disclaimer I am not responsible for anything that may happen to your phone as a result of installing custom roms and/or kernels. you do so at your own risk and take the responsibility upon yourself. About MIUI which stands for Mi User Interface and pronounced "Me You I", a play on the common abbreviation of the words user interface as UI, developed by Xiaomi Tech, is a stock and aftermarket firmware for smartphones and tablet computers based on the Google Android operating system. MIUI includes various features such as theming support. Note -After installing rom wait some time to becoming Rom stable -No need of installing gapps already included -This ROM is ported from Redmi 2 -Rom take some time on 1st boot Plus PointS Second space working Dual apps working No Hotspot issue Free ram upto 1.3 GB Fonts feature available System animations issue solved Trimmed the rom so no Bloatware Everything working  Bugs No Bugs  Download Here:...